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Blog-boast all you want with this new prompt.


Go ahead. Bring on the braggadocio. Get out your grandiloquence. Start the self-promotion. This new blog prompt is your ticket to toot your own horn.



 Or maybe you just need to expose humble-bragging for what it is. Get it off your chest. Clear the air. The mic is yours with this new blog prompt.


What is bumble-bragging?

 Humble-bragging happens when someone makes a comment that used self-deprecation to announce something about which they want to boast. It may seem as if that person is sharing a personal critique, but he or she is actually using that as an excuse for showing off.



  • “I’m such a homebody, and I’m getting sick of having to attend so many celebrity galas.”
  • “I may be aging, but I can still fit into my wedding dress 30 years later.”
  • “Bored out of my mind. I can’t stand these country club functions my spouse drags me to.”
  • “I’ve got nothing to wear to Wimbledon this year. That’s what losing 50 pounds will get you.”
  • “Call me petty, but this year’s Oscar-winning actor isn’t that handsome, up close and personal.”
  • Just diagnosed with skin cancer. That’ll teach me to stay out of the sun on those annual Caribbean cruises.”


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator

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